Strange Corners of C: Entering The Twilight Zone of the C Compiler

Posted on Mon 10 February 2025 in Programming

C is a fascinating programming language, simple enough to learn in a few days, yet powerful enough to build the world's most complex systems. With its lightweight runtime, C runs everywhere! From microwave ovens to spacecrafts, and everything in between. Sometimes, I can’t help but wonder: Is the universe itself written in C?

For as long as I can remember, C has been my goto language (see what I did there?). I first learning C to write games for DOS (remember those far pointers?). Over the years, I have programmed in countless environment using C. It is the language I’d like to think I’ve mastered it. Yet, time and again, I encounter some obscure trick or unexpected behavior that shifts my understanding of the language.


One of my favorite pastimes is browsing entries from the International Obfuscated C Code Contest (IOCCC). This competition has produced some of the strangest, most brilliant C programs ever written—programs that are deliberately hard to read, but often contain deep insights into the language.

Recently, I stumbled upon an entry from 1984 by Sjoerd Mullender: mullender.c.

At first glance, the code looks bizarre:

short main[] = {
  277, 04735, -4129, 25, 0, 477, 1019, 0xbef, 0, 12800,
  -113, 21119, 0x52d7, -1006, -7151, 0, 0x4bc, 020004,
  14880, 10541, 2056, 04010, 4548, 3044, -6716, 0x9,
  4407, 6, 5568, 1, -30460, 0, 0x9, 5570, 512, -30419,
  0x7e82, 0760, 6, 0, 4, 02400, 15, 0, 4, 1280, 4, 0,
  4, 0, 0, 0, 0x8, 0, 4, 0, ',', 0, 12, 0, 4, 0, '#',
  0, 020, 0, 4, 0, 30, 0, 026, 0, 0x6176, 120, 25712,
  'p', 072163, 'r', 29303, 29801, 'e'

I thought, "Hey isn't main() suppose be a function?" Apparently not. By the way, the code above will only work on a VAX-11 or a PDP-11, which I don't have access to. I have read that it prints ":-)" across the screen until it is forced to stop.

Understanding The Trick

Instead of reproducing it, let’s break down the underlying trick. This entry leverages the way compilers, assemblers, and linkers handle data vs. executable code in low-level architectures. Fun fact, the IOCCC later updated its rules to prohibit machine-dependent code after 1984—likely due to programs like this.

Like most compiled languages, C doesn’t directly produce an executable. Instead, it undergoes multiple stages:


Each stage has a specific role:

  • Preprocessing: Handles #include files, macros, and conditional compilation.
  • Compilation: Translates C into assembly.
  • Assembly: Converts assembly into machine code.
  • Linking: Resolves symbols and produces an executable.

Inline Assembly

All basic stuff. However, compilers have evolved to add hooks into the assembler and linker. For example, gcc and clang allows ways to insert inline assembly, enabling developers to bypass the compiler’s usual code generation. It's a way to tell the compiler, "Trust me, I know what I’m doing. Just insert this directly into the assembly output." For example, we can write a simple program that outputs 42 to the shell. FYI, I run Arch Linux on an x86-64 target, BTW.

static int foo(void) { asm volatile("mov $42, %%rax" ::: "rax", "memory"); }
int main() { return foo(); }

This moves 42 directly into the return register (rax on x86-64).

If we want to inspect the assembly output, we can instruct the compiler to stop after the compilation stage using the -S flag (on gcc and clang). But why not place the inline assembly directly inside main()? According to the C standard, if main() lacks an explicit return statement, it implicitly returns 0. This means our carefully crafted assembly code would execute, but immediately be replaced by zero and its result wouldn't make it back to the shell.

Take a look at lines 13–17 (below) in the output—the compiler has inserted our assembly code exactly as written. And don't bother trying to outsmart the compiler’s optimization settings; at this level, you're venturing into the territory of undefined behavior.

$ gcc  -S -o - main-1.c | nl 
     1      .file   "main-1.c"
     2      .text
     3      .type   foo, @function
     4  foo:
     5  .LFB0:
     6      .cfi_startproc
     7      endbr64
     8      pushq   %rbp
     9      .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
    10      .cfi_offset 6, -16
    11      movq    %rsp, %rbp
    12      .cfi_def_cfa_register 6
    13  #APP
    14  # 1 "main-1.c" 1
    15      mov $42, %rax
    16  # 0 "" 2
    17  #NO_APP
    18      nop
    19      popq    %rbp
    20      .cfi_def_cfa 7, 8
    21      ret
    22      .cfi_endproc
    23  .LFE0:

"Inline Linking"

We can also bypass the assembler and go directly to the linker. But before doing that, we need to determine the exact machine code for a simple int main() { return 42; } program. Instead of manually inspecting assembly, we can cheat a little by using binutils.

$ cat - << __EOF__ | gcc -O2 -o - -x c - | objdump -S -
int main() { return 42; }

-:     file format elf64-x86-64

<snip> ... skipping unnecessary details ...

0000000000001040 <main>:
    1040:   f3 0f 1e fa             endbr64
    1044:   b8 2a 00 00 00          mov    $0x2a,%eax
    1049:   c3                      ret
    104a:   66 0f 1f 44 00 00       nopw   0x0(%rax,%rax,1)

<snip> ... skipping unnecessary details ...

We can ignore endbr64, as it's not relevant for what we want to do. I also don't know why it's there (something something security, I guess). The essential machine code for return 42; is simply moving 42 (0x2a) into the EAX register, followed by a ret instruction.

Additionally, we can disregard the remaining instructions, as they are inserted for alignment purposes. As of this writing, the Linux kernel does not enforce function boundary alignment, making them unnecessary for our purposes.

This leaves us with the following minimal machine code:

"\xb8\x2a\0\0\0\0" /* mov $0x2a, %eax */
"\xc3"             /* ret */

Let's try executing our handcrafted machine code:

$ cat - << __EOF__ | gcc -x c - && ./a.out; echo $?
const char main[] = "\xb8\x2a\0\0\0\0" "\xc3";
[1]    119959 segmentation fault (core dumped)  ./a.out

Wait... what? It compiled just fine, but why did it crash with a segmentation fault?

Well, at least we have "segments" to "fault" on... right, embedded devs?

The issue is that the linker, by default, places const char main[] in the .rodata (read-only data) section of memory. This section is marked as non-executable by the Linux kernel’s memory protection mechanisms. So, when the program tries to execute code stored there, Linux sees this as a segmentation violation and immediately kills the process.

We can instruct the linker to place our machine code in the executable code section instead of .rodata. On Linux, this means placing it in the .text segment, which is designated for executable instructions. We can achieve this directly in the compiler using the __attribute__ keyword, available in both GCC and Clang:

$ cat - << __EOF__ | gcc -x c - && ./a.out; echo $?
const char main[] = "\xb8\x2a\0\0\0\0" "\xc3";

/tmp/ccvXEHQs.s: Assembler messages:
/tmp/ccvXEHQs.s:4: Warning: ignoring changed section attributes for .text

Hey, there's our hand-crafted 42! 🎉

Despite the compiler warning about changing section attributes, the execution works because we successfully placed our custom machine code in an executable memory section.

More Abusive C

With this trick, we can do all sorts of things. For instance, here’s a “function” that isn’t visible outside its scope—essentially a primitive, hardcoded lambda in machine code:

int main() {
  typedef int (*f)(int, int);
               static const char func_impl[] =
  return ((f)(func_impl))(40, 2);

However, this approach comes with several limitations. For example:

  • We can’t call other C functions because we’d need their exact memory addresses.
  • We can’t access stack memory, so all variables must be stored in registers.
  • We could have variables, but they’d effectively behave like static variables, meaning no thread safety.

That said, these restrictions won’t stop me from writing a "Hello, World\n" program using raw machine code. (Oh, and yes, I use Arch Linux on x86-64, BTW. 😏)

const char main[] =
    /* mov eax, 1    */
    /* mov edi, 1    */
    /* lea rsi, [rip+0xa]  (64-bit!) */
    /* mov edx, 0x13 */
    /* syscall       */
    /* xor eax,eax   */
    /* ret           */
    /* UTF-8 💩 + space + "Hello, world!\n" = 19 bytes total */
    "\xf0\x9f\x92\xa9 "
    "Hello, world!\n"
    "Who says main() has to be a function?";

Because why not include a hand-crafted poop emoji 💩 in our binary as well? 🥳

But Wait! There's More! 🔥

We can take things even further by adding some "security" and a factory pattern to our madness. (Isn’t it nice? 🤓)

const char fun_impl[] = 

typedef int (*fun_t)(int, int);

enum fun_factory_id {
  INVALID = -1,

fun_t fun_factory(int x, int license_key) {
  switch (x) {
    unsigned offset = fun_impl[ADD_FUNCTION] ^ license_key;
    return (fun_t)(fun_impl + offset);
  return NULL;

#define OUR_LICENSE_KEY (0xAE)

int main() {
  fun_t add_fun = fun_factory(ADD_FUNCTION, OUR_LICENSE_KEY);
  return add_fun(40, 2);

What’s Happening Here?

  • We've embedded obfuscated data (a mix of actual machine code and encoded gibberish) in a static text section.
  • Instead of directly exposing our "add function," we use a factory function that requires a license key to retrieve it.
  • The license key is used to XOR the function offset, adding a basic layer of obfuscation (though let’s be honest, a decent debugger will expose this instantly).
  • Our main() function calls the fun factory, retrieves the function pointer, and executes it.

This almost looks like a primitive software licensing mechanism, right? (Totally not a sketchy DRM system. 🙃)

Is It Secure?

Absolutely not. 🔥

  • The obfuscation is weak and easy to reverse-engineer.
  • XOR-based security is laughably easy to crack.
  • Since function pointers are directly manipulated, this could easily lead to unexpected behavior or crashes.

But hey, it’s fun to pretend we’re doing serious security engineering while writing machine code inside a C string. 😆


I think we have played for long enough. But, what's the point? Are these ever used in the wild? Some embedded targets will have common functions programmed into the ROM while fabrication. And, there are two ways to resolve the function address, write a linker script, or do this gross thing:

/* vendor_specific_function.c */
void (*vendor_spefic_function)(void) = SOME_ROM_ADDRESS;

I hope you had fun exploring some of the strange corners of the C programming language. We’ve seen how C lets you bypass almost every safety mechanism, write self-modifying code, and even mess with memory in ways that feel like cheating.

But as always, with great power comes greater segmentation faults—if your environment even has segments to fault on, right?

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